How thick is your window frame?

How thick is your window frame?

Working with different companies as contractors, we realized that salespeople pay little attention to details. And this is understandable. A salesperson does not focus on too many options, because in that case a client will take more time to make decision, receding the contract signing and the purchase. When looking for a windows contractor, our recommendation is to look for a contractor or a salesperson who pays attention to detail and who gives you options, because they will be more likely to pay attention (or supervise) the job their company’s crew is performing on your house.

When selecting windows, first thing you’d want to pay attention to is the frame of the window. Take a closer look at the frame, vinyl, lines, thickness and decide for yourself if it appeals to you. In most cases people choose window frames which are more symmetrical. If you look at a single sliding window, the left half – i.e. lines – should be aligned with the right half of the window. If the lines are not aligned, it does not have impact on the quality of the window but the window itself looks more elegant if the lines on both sides are symmetrical.

Second thing is the thickness of the frame. For instance, a window company offers Premium Series windows. A salesperson may have sold the job using the word “Premium Series” as an appealing sales tool, and the client seems happy with word “PREMIUM”. Then the installation is scheduled. The height of the window is 12”, the glass is only 5.5” wide, and the thick vinyl frame blocks most of the window opening and makes you lose light. Plus a production manager measures the windows and subtracts another 1/4” or 1/2” from the window opening for easy installation. It might make sense to ask yourself a question, “What is the purpose of installing this window with such thick vinyl frame, and how much light will you lose by installing this new “premium” window?”

Intero Group Hawaii

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